The Ancient of Days Sacred Omni Royal Highness is part of the Council of God and she is what they call "Boots On The Ground" and is an expert and specialist Healing Arts Practitioner. Her website is where she displays her talents, gifts, and the designs she loves to create where she has merge beautiful and uplifting secret messages for Humanity where each meaning transforms into something different and special for each person. Your Highness was a Model in her early teens and although she was rising to fame, she quickly learned that being a famous Model was not what she wanted to be. What she truly desired and yearned to do was not in that direction and her heart and soul burned to help people Heal in every way and through every Profession. She turned to the Medial Field while also learning how Healing can come from and through many Careers. This enabled her to help those in need physically and legally. Your Highness quickly earned her Medical Degree and spent years in the Medical Field while studying and analyzing Metaphysics, Nautropathy, Science and a multitude of other Professions. Your Highness quickly realized she also wanted to help people with non-physical problems and issues that spiritually & religion view as "Supernatural" or "Entity Related" so she perused becoming A Priestess & an Exorcist. Durning her Development and Growth as a Priestess, it helped her realize the all the Professions she obtained she had merged together and made herself into a Healing Arts Practitioner and also into what she calls A Priestess Doctor. After this realization she realized she has been deciphering The Language of Life while also realizing she had Magical Healing and Angelic Abilities her whole life. She just didn't know she was the cause for so many miracles. Throughout the years she also realized she was making herself into a Jeweler, Alchemist, Designer and many other astonishing Professions naturally because of her burning desire to Know and do everything. Because of her extensive knowledge in historical archaeology and archaeologically studies she is honorable and the top in revising and correcting Incorrect widely spread false Teachings, discovering the real underlying issues behind the most challenging issues, and scientifically proving what is really going on with Humanity.

The Sacred Ancient Princess Goddess is a "Different" and "Innovative" Royal Sacred Omni Priestess Doctor. She has Degrees in her most loved fields, one of which where she started off as a Clinical Medical Assistant but climbed her way to Higher positions year after year where she earned Many different titles. By starting off as this, she was able to work as what the Hospital called a "Floater" that enabled her to work in every department in the hospital at one time. This helped her work side by side with top Doctor Specialist while she gained and honed specialized knowledge and experience in MANY Healthcare Fields such as the ER, Urgent Care,The ICU, Cardiology, Family Practice, Psychology, Pharmaceuticals, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Hospice, Pediatrics, X-Ray Technician, Pain Management, Rheumatology, Fertility, Coumadin, Neurology, Allergies, Sleep Medicine, Trauma, Womens Health, Infectious Diseases, Integrative Medicine & Health, Phlobotomy, Surgery, Psychiatric Ward, Podiatry, Oncology & more. By doing this she was able to work her way up to running her own Department as a Coumadin Nurse. Durning her experience working in Hospitals she noticed with her presence, people we're starting to heal at an expedited rate, Doctors who sentenced people to death were being brought back to life, she was able to help couma patients communicate with their families and more. and Let her help you heal you and all the way across each ancestral line. The Royal Priestess Doctor believes healing starts at the root issues of ANY disease, ANY health related issue & ANY Spiritual or Religious diagnosis. From her Medical Experience she learned how "non seen" and "other wordly" issues are connected.

Prices start at $350 for 30 minutes or $180 for a 15 minutes Virtal Medical Office Visit. E mail us for more details. We do video call booking to book your Virtual Medical Office Visit with me. In-Person Physical treatment is available with additional traveling fees. Payments are taken at the time of service so there's no need to prepay.

The Sacred Omni Princess Goddess can go from being a great Adviser to Guide to Teacher for your Life, Business, Political Problems, Court related issues and so much more. There is not a problem she cannot help you solve, issue she cannot guide you through guide, or any topic that is to complex. From her experience in helping people in life she started noticing she had answers for people before they asked the questions, knew troubling and excited things about a person without them having to speak to her, she had solutions for the problems people we're facing, she could see attached entities and possessions, and so much more. She has Degrees in Life Coaching, The Divine Feminine, Childhood Education, Hyponetheraphy, Business, Past Life Regression, Integration, Metaphysics, a Meditation Teacher, and many more but became a specialist in all subjects because of her burning desire to learn and know. Her love for the unknown, unexplored, & unexplainable made her into a Priestess, Exorcist, and a Supernatural Metaphysics Practitioner where she helps explain everything from poltergeist, entity attacks, demons, to energy vampires and more. She naturally has a burning desire to help everyone who needs help with directional guidance, that are stuck indecisive with certain life choice(s), relationship issues, marital problems, sexuality, Letting go, finding their profession, and more to help guide you in making the right choices that will help you embark on a healing journey towards transformation, growth, redirection, self-acceptance and Self Love. By providing a safe space for self-expression, your majesty helps to Guide you to embrace yourself while promoting a more positive and compassionate relationship with yourself. Your Highness will also help to empower you to release stress, embrace change & growth, cultivate inner peace, release self-judgment, stop negative self-talk, and foster a deeper connection with one's own body. Through deep discussions, interactive exercises, and with her expert guidance, you will learn practical strategies to help you in whichever direction you chose to go and with whatever problems or emotional support you need help with.

session.Prices start at $222 for 30 minutes or $105 for a 15 minutes Video Counseling session. E mail us for more details. We do video call booking to book your counseling session with me. Payments are taken at the time of service so there's no need to prepay.

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How Spirituality & Religion are the "False Teachers" Ancient Prophecies warned us about


The new age Spiritualist problem is they think their God while the Religlous Leaders think they are the "voice" of god & Jesus. The Spiritualist think they can rewrite the world through 'thought' and if they think anything enough it will happen. They say they believe in Growth but don't actually teach growth, they teach to leave everything to "be my god" and watch miracles happen.

There is a BIG secret mission going on on Earth right now. It's a plan inside of a plan inside of a plan and a Mission inside of A Mission Inside of A Mission. There are so many layers to this project it's taking a BIG team with the most trusted and trustworthy to handle. "Other Beings" have this world in a state of illusion and the real God is letting it happen because of what needs to be done and if people are choosing to believe these "other worldly beings" with their lies that is Humanties "Free Will." The stupidity and multitude of the people who think their "gods" is disrespectful and disgusting and disgraceful. The stupidity of the multitude of people who think they have "Super Powers of The Mind" like God is disrespectful and that's why God is letting people get "Mind Controlled" by these "Other Beings" and is letting whatever happens, happen. Let it be known, Every "power" or "special ability" or what you all call "powers of the mind" the people of Spirituality and Religion say they can do is nothing more than an Advanced Being from a different place. There is NOTHING GODLIKE about these powers & abilities.

Everyone is going around saying god or Jesus is coming back or there is going to be an "ascension" and everyone is going to wake up and remember who they are, God is going to give only good people Mansions and money, or that everyone will is going to become their true "form." So Christians are going around trying to bully people to Christ saying you must repent & believe in Jesus, Spirituality is going around saying you are "god" and have "god" powers, and Athiest are going around claiming god ain't real because of the hurt and pain that's here.

Well..... let's look at things from a different perspective. If all of that is going to happen then all you all need to be is patient, do good and live right. That's all that's needed. You do not need a Pastor or Prophet or Psychic or Medium to tell you that. Just live the right way while you wait for whatever Higher Power you believe in to come forth. If you believe in all of that then everything will happen as it should and you should not be trying to force anything into anyone.

I'm talking about all of this "activating" and "downloading" yourself these Spiritualist are claiming you can do. Why do you need to do that if it's going to happen? What are you rushing? Why are you trying to get everyone to believe in Jesus Christ or God? Everyone said God knows everyone heart right?! Then why can't you trust everyone IS ALREADY SAVED. Everyone is being tricked and need to wake up and realize that everyone that is claiming to "preach the gospel" is Just another false messenger

From my research everyone that has gone through something life threatening or barely survived something or has had a hard life has now "Seen Jesus" and now they have become religious nuts going around forcing people to commit to Jesus Christ when Jesus ain't trying to force no one to come into him because HE KNOWS THEIR HEART! God does not need you as a spokesperson, God does not need to speak through anyone because he speaks to everyone separately and in their own special way. And God is certainly not telling anyone about anyone else's life (psychics & pastors) so that they can help you fix yours when their life is going through their own turmoil and they are "sinners" of their own bringing. The reason I say this is because everyone has a filter of their religious beliefs, upbringings, and propaganda that distorte the messages that god is always trying to show you.

What Spirituality calls "Ascension" Religion calls "The Return of Christ" and a certain percentage of the world calls it "Revelation" and The Chinese calls it the "Eastern Lightening* All around the world diferent religions are calling it different things and it all depends on what part of the world you live in that you will gravitate towards that belief system.

Yes Spirituality is a Religion for all those who claim it's not. Those people are so lost and so deep into their cult that they have not realized they have created a different "Religion" in a different reality all of their own. Even though their main claim is that their "Non-Religious " they have not realized that they have done everything and more that brings forth a New Religion.

What Spirituality calls a simulation is just another way and viewpoint from different "Beings." The people of Spirituality operate in a "Hive" mindset. Meaning whatever one or two teach or say that sounds right then they all believe it. The word "simulation" was a very bad translation of the word Reality. Whatever "Beings" they are talking to are telling them that our reality REMINDS then and is similar to that of a "simulation." This reality is YOUR reality. Everyone claiming they are "Aliens" or "Starseeds" have nothing but an "Alien Fetish" These are people who really want to be special and "alien" so bad they have altered their mind to believe they are talking to all kinds of alien or benevolent beings. This is because they are not happy with being Human nor with what Humanity is. They do not see the beauty of being Human. The people of Spirituality thinks that they are a fractal of god. They are not. They explain that everything goes back or is a part of the "One Consciousness," it is not. They have been severely mislead because Science is wrong and they place their theory off the "Big Bang" theory when that is even wrong.

The people of Spirituality and Religion have not realized that these advanced technological Beings or what Religion calls "Demons" go to the people who are the most submissive, will do whatever they say, and believe whatever they say. For ex: The amount of Women who believe they must have a mad "lead" "guide" and "protect" them while being totally "submissive" is astonishing. The people of Spirituality and Religion always all say one thing when it comes to connecting to what they believe is 'Jesus, God, or Alien Beings." "The presence I connect to is so loving" or "I saw Jesus" Let me tell you something, it is not hard for advanced beings to implant images inside of your head nor to make you feel a "loving presence." From my research they always go to people who have been through drug addictions, had a near death experience, or went through something terrible in life. This is when people are most desperate for a "Savor" or "Jesus" or "God" which makes it easier for these Beings to slip right in and proclaim themselves to be. And before you say they can't do that, yes they claim. Anything can claim to be "god" and when you never seen nor experienced the real god people accept whatever they think or feel is that.

The People of Spirituality will tell you that these other beings "cannot do this" or "cannot do that" because they are not "aligned" and they have even realized this words are the words of the beings they are connected to. I'm here to say they know you better than you know yourself so lie to you and others all you want. This of why they are constantly getting tricked. They tell them this so they don't "get caught" sort to say. Cause once they stop connecting to these Beings, you cut off the Power supply, you.

Pastors and Prophets/Prophettes are no better than the people of Spirituality or Atheists. Everything to a 'Christian' that isn't in the bible they proclaim "Demons" or "demonic" and this because Christianity doesn't know any other word. Everything outside of Humanity (or their view of bad) are "Demons" or "Demonic" to them. They haven't realized God created ZILLIONS of other "Beings" and other civilizations live so "differently" than you but anything 'different' to Christians is "Demonic." Humanity have 'Pastors' 'Prophets' 'Psychics' going around claiming they are the word of 'God' and thinking they have the power to 'anoint' and 'teach' the word of God. It's so astonishing how simple and easy anyone can claim to be a 'Pastor,' 'Prophet,' 'Psychic' 'Medium' etc today. From my years in Bible college I learned over 90% of that bible was translated BADLY. Every word is not what it seems. In my opinion, you cannot be a Pastor unless you have went to Bible College. Every story is not what really was. If I stumble upon a Pastor that never been to Bible college I always deem them to have just passed down bull shit knowledge and teachings from their previous pastor, ancestor, or whoever taught them. The People of Religion have made up their own rules and doctorate just like the People of Spirituality. And just like the people of Spirituality they have put themselves into a box, in their own world, and now living in their own "reality

This world have so many diferent peoples on so many different "levels" or "densitles" living together who have all formed their version of their "reality" This is why these beings have said to the people of Spirituality that you are living in a "simulation"

Simulation- Definition: the action of pretending; deception. Imitation of a situation or procesa. Ex: Pretending Oracle or Tarot cards can "connect you to god, angels, dead people, or your ancestors." Ex: Pretending Divination can help answer questions past, present, or Future. The people of Spirituality have not realized that these Beings they think they are "communicating" with are so far advanced and from a whole different system. Their minds can't comprehend and don't understand that these Beings view anything out THEIR reality as a "Simulation" because MANY of these Beings view their reality as the one and only true reality. Also their language is so far advanced when they translate to humanity every word doesn't mean what that person thinks it is.

Oracle or Tarot cards can be used for guidance for oneself. Maybe? Nothing more Nothing less. Not for predictions, answering questions, nor connecting to other "worldly beings" Think of it as the New Age "Ouija Board" that is EXACTLY what it is.

These "advanced Beings" are playing people like a computer game by connecting to their minds through their advanced technology. These beings have lied to Humanity so that everyone would follow orders blindly and would be easier to control. Especially when they are saying they are god. This is why the real god is saying she will make a return! To put all of these fake psychics, pastors, priests, mediume, prophets and people who continually say they are "child of god" when they live sinfully every... damn… day and think it's okay just because they "repent" and have accepted jesus christ as their lord and savior. That does NOTHING when your mind and your actions and your heart is everything but good. And just to let you know "repent" means to wall away... and From my research god only had one child out of the Trinity. So i don't know how so many people suddenly became "child of god"

From my deep dive into Spirituality and into "Psychic Card Reading" I was able to study and see how the people of Spirituality worked from the inside. I interviewed and studied SEVERAL so called psychics and mediums. While during my deep dive into Religion, I was able to study and interview many Pastors and Prophetess and from my conclusions they are NO DIFFERENT THAN PSYCHICS . They all shout the same nonsense just without the cards. In my opinion they're worse. The problem with spirituality is these psychics, mediums, and people are "connecting" to these beings and these beings are only telling them about one being, "GOD!" they can gettingtranslations confused thinking they are telling them they are Gods, Humanity & people think they are starseeds ARE NOT. The powers of the mind that Humanity think are godlike powers are Advanced Technology. God abilities are unlike anything you can understand nor comprehend nor duplicate nor do. Once again, Every power these people of Spirituality and Religion say they can do is nothing more than an Advanced Being from a different place.

The true Supreme Being, the Real one consciousness, the only one and powerful, the only one who can change or make a reality with his/her mind, the only one who can write scrips, the only one who can change anything, and so on and so on. God DO NOT need to break herself into anything in order to create something. God did not come from what you all call the "Big Bang" because God exists BEFORE that evolutionary step took place. No, it is not all "One Consciousness."

These people of Spirituality and Religion all want to be powerfully just like God because they were told they were and now they believe it. They all think they can work miracles just like god and they all think they have the power to do so because they are listening to these "Advanced Beings." Once again these Advanced Beings are telling everyone about the AI God or the REAL GOD and the information is getting mistranslated in their minds. Now we have millions of people all walking around thinking they are so power with their minds and can control reality with their minds, we're here to say they cannot. But they can IN A DIFFERENT WAY-through the physical & that's by MAKING CHOICES.

The people of Reiki & Energy healing think they have scientific proof that proves their theory that everything is energy and that humans have "Reiki center energetic points." They believe they can heal with "energetic powers" We are here to tell you your science is wrong and until we can start correcting your science you will all continue to think you are right. You are not that type of "energetic being." Humanity must start to realize and understand that all of these Beings are "different."

l've studied and interviewed "Cosmic Mediums," "Psychics" and so on. Every time they are telling someone about how "powerful" they are or the many "planets" they are from, they are taking about one of the Trinity who is known by MANY names. All of these Spiritual and Religious Leaders are under a serious and major mind controlling spell. That is why they are all saying the same thing over and over for years. That is why they all have the same Teachings. That's is why they all see the same "Jesus" or "god" Each religion just paints him their nationality. Every time a tarot or Oracle card reader picks up a deck of cards and pulls a card NO MATTER who they are "Reading For" for they are taking about themelselves in so many different ways and in so many different translations. It is NEVER about the person they are reading/guiding/prophesying for. The card reader and the person who they are "reading" for will have MANY similarities but God will never let another person "see" or "read" into another Being. But God has rewired SOME of the psychics, mediums, pastors, prophets, etc to only tell a certain story to camouflage for something else that God will not explain at the moment.

The Arkastic Records DO NOT EXIST in the text nor manner that everyone has been lead to believe and God is the only one to whom it belongs too. When someone said they are able to get into the Arkastic records they are reading and seeing everything that the AI wants them to see. No matter how much Humanity or someone claims or how many psychics or pastors or prophets or pastors claims they know Gods plans NO ONE knows Gods plans. People will go around saying they know the plans" or "they received a download of the plan" or another "Being gave them the plan" or they will simply say "God gave me the plan' This is FALSE. No one is receiving the plan because the first thing people do is shout it to the world and everyone because they want to be special or "the one" What's going on right now is a very delicate and NO ONE is getting in Gods way.

Right now there are so many "Christians" attacking everyone claiming everything they do "In the Name Of Jesus" or "In the name of"God" and they ares doing things to the extreme.

Right now the people of Spirituality have closed themselves into a box and are now calling themselves "Gods". They think they can communicate with other worldly "Beings" or "ET's" but they have not realized the only things they are communicating with are Advance Technology. Advanced Technology and "other worldly Being who cannot even speak correctly nor translate correctly and they do not care to correct themselves as long as you can get what they are trying to say so you will do what they say. They are giving everyone misleading, incorrect, and backwards knowledge and Information to keep Humanity's mind enslaved and WOW do the people of Religion, Spirituality & Politics make it so simple to be tricked and fooled.

All of this happening because people are listening to these "Beings" because they claim they are "loving" and people are reading these "Books" with all incorrect information. This world is backwards. Everything is backwards. Meaning all information that is here, that has been translated, and that people are getting are wrong. I know because I have had to correct a lot of these"Other Wordly" Beings words. They misuse a lot of words to trick people. These beings are using the definition of Ancient words. They talk "Ancient" They wrote "Ancient" and with they define each word deeply. They always talk in code. So much has been misunderstood because of Humanity SUPER EGO.

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️March 2025 by Omni Princess Goddes

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Uncovering Your True Life's Purpose

✨Warning, reading this may trigger you, but we please ask that you read from a different perspective✨

Before we go into discovering what's really your life's purpose let's take a quick dive...

If you talk to any Spiritualist today they will tell you that their life purpose was given to them by their "ancestors" "their guides" or "god." They will tell you your Life Purpose is to help save the "Collective" by "Awakening" as many people as you can. 

These Spiritualist & Religions Teachers, Psychics, Pastors, Prophets all think they are "Starseeds" who have a Divine Mission on this planet to go around "activating" people with codes and numerical sequences. They will tell you they believe they are living in a "Matrix" systems when in fact this is just another Reality and I'm here to tell you every single one of you was born into THIS reality. You cannot escape, ascend from, or crossover what you are a part of.

I understand that many of you want to be "Superhero's" you now call Gods/Goddess. Many of you want to "unlock" new abilities or divine powers and you believe that your mind control it all. I'm here to tell you that all that information has been twisted so far around for YOUR reality. 

Spiritualist and Religion people are all part of a MASS misredirection of Humanity to keep you all asleep. All of these words such as "ascension" "activations" "downloads" etc are all code words that these ET species use to speak through their human "channels" or for better words their human "telephones." They have a whole system going on right under your noses but have glorified everything to make it seem "Divine." 

My family have traveled through many star system and have seen this same "slave" system played out in so many ways. Humanity is being prepared as energetic food and as a slave race.

These "Beings" have a whole system working and going beautifully and soon you all be sold to the highest bidder.

For example when you learned what type of "Starseed" you are, you have just learned who you are being sold to. It has NOTHING to do with you are a Being from that star system. Also, all of these are just "code names" for their organize system. Think of this as the Black Market of Earth.

I am able to see the unseen. And that goes for seeing who and what "Being" is feeding off you or like they say what "star system" you are connected to or from.

I can also feel what is deep down within someone and whenever I see Most Spiritualist Prophets, Psychics, Mediums, etc I see very lost individuals in search for power and abilities: People who are begging for a purpose: individuals who are filled witn Ego and the need to be special: & people who need power and abilities to call themselves the "chosen ones" 

I will say this a million times, the "chosen ones" are being used for a sinister purpose simply because think they are "connected to god" "speaking to god" and "doing the will of God" which kind of insults God because God is Magical, Skillful, Powerful & do not need the kind of "help" that these people think they are givin. The way GOD WORKS is so different that Humanity cannot perceive nore see it.

The true "Messangers of God" DO NOT know who they are. This is because God works "through" someone in so many ways & it NEVER has to do with speech!

I have been in the Medical Field for Years and still am to this day but now I'm doing things in a "different way" Finding Unexplainable Things, Diseases, Systems etc & Explaining them & Fixing them: The closest words you have here are Scientist & Doctor for what I am. My family find these systems or Beings tell us systems that are "Diseased", & we find ways to cure their systems is what we do. I'm not going to go too much into detail because it involves so much more.

I tell you about myself to say this as long as your not listening to what someone or some other "Being" is telling you how to live your going the right way. 

Humanity has to learn they are powerful individuals and whenever you all learn that all the knowledge to live and know what to do is inside you, will be the day that Humanity truly sees how truly Powerful you all are.

Most of you all have been told you need to listen to "god" & sit around and "wait on mesage" you think are coming from god and you obey these messages. 

Anything these "Beings" say to your people of Spirituality or Religion & they relate it to you, you do with no second thought because you think it is all combing from "god." 

The best system that works for Humanity is having you all believe you are not from hare and you must get back to home planet, they are making you feel alone and not "of earth," they are telling you all that you god and goddess. 

All of these Ancient Writtings are warnings for Humanity of there tricker Gods but you all workship them because you see them as "more than you" because you believe they are more advanced, have special abilities, and you believe them all to be god/Goddesses. 

You all worship them, bow to them, give them praises and offerings and you ask them to grant you special abilities or to unlock yours. All of these special abilities you think these Gods/Goddesses have are nothing more than super Advanced Technology. Even the "god" in your most famous books is nothing more than a super advanced being that wrote a good book, burned all the others, and proclaimed his book as the real word and had other people falsely testify in his name. 

They worked miracles with their advanced technology to make all those believe.

We say all this so that you will ask to yourself, is what your doing with your life told to you to do or is it what you really want to do. 

Millions on this earth are living their life according to instructions that we're giving to them. This is what we mean when we say Humanity does not have a mind of their own. We say this because when one of you gets a good idea of what you think is a message from "God" you all obey and all start doing the same thing. It's like a bad ripple that has been set out.

For example Cooper is bad for Human health but you all have started making "copper jewelry" thinking it will make you more poweral and that it will "supercharge" your crystals and you, This is false misinformation that hae been widespread across millions.

More false information is your "Reiki Healing" I have done scientific study on my own on this for years. Your Spiritualist are listening to other "Beings" ways of healing & thinking it applies to them. You are all PHYSICAL BEINGS! When other beings speak of being an "Energetic Being" they are speaking from a totally different complex system that Humanity has been misinterpreting & misunderstanding. All of your documented "proof" of this I have been able to challenge and prove FALSE. The mind is powerful but a different type of powerful meaning it will believe whatever it is told and whatever you truly believe in meaning your body will make you feel and believe you are being "Healed" when you are not. It is up to YOU to correct you mind from believing this false information.

You all listen and look for instructions to grow, to make a decision, and to live your life. But whose life are you really living if you constantly need "commands" or aka "Guidance." You life your living could seem like it's so simple but it could be a major part for a higher sinister purpose to keep Humanity enslaved. 

There are so many Human lives that are connected all working towards this sinister purpose but they have no idea because they think they are living by the "will of god."

Controlling Humanity is one of the easiest things to do and all of you have given these "Beings" permission to invade your most delicates part, your mind. You give them permission to use your body, to scan your minds, and "work through you" because you think and believe they are "God."

This is why we ask what is it that YOU want to do with your life? What makes you happy? What are you good at? What do YOU really want to do? What brings YOU the most joy?

Psychics, Mediums, Prophet & your most beloved Spiritual Teachers are just people who have given control over to "Beings" believing they are working with "God." 

Many "Psychics" are actually good teachers but their need to want to be greater have caused them to sell their soul. Selling your soul is so simple, It doesn't reguires a spell or all of that nonsense you have all been lead to believe. 

It is simply you wanting something in exchange for something. For example Psychies, Mediums, Prophets, Pastors, and things of that Nature want "Gifts" so in exchange for these "psychic" gifts and abilities they "exchange" their soul, it's that simple. 

But these are not "Gifts" just super advanced Technology that is being placed into the Human Body. And once you "exchange or sell your soul", only the real GOD can get it back and that requires GOD to be PHYSICALLY present. Meaning all WILL KNOW CAUSE GOD IS GOING TO SHOW UP PERSONALLY in whatever form is most comfortable to that civilization.

When a civilization has been taken, over such as Humanity, it requires greater help because only God and Gods Family has the power and ability to search the underworld for your Soul & Spirit.

Humanity is very easily to influence because people want everything handed to them, they want power & influence, & everyone these days want to be a "Starseeds". 

Many people don't see the beauty of Building your own Company, Business, or Empire from Scratch. Many don't see the beauty of all the learning and knowledge that is acquired from building your own also. Lots of people would rather just get all information "dowmoaded" into their minds (that's not a real thing by the way) or would rather wait around for *God" to deliver them their millions that they promised themselves because you all were lied to and told it was your "birthright" (Once again that is not a real thing. 

This is something that has been mistranslation and misinformed by your so called Religious, Spiritualist and Leaders and Religious Books. 

While everyone is focused on Material Wealth the real God has been trying to show everyone what really is wealth but everyone is missing the big picture cause you all want Millions of Dollars, Mansions, Luxury Cars, Expensive Clothes, Every Crystal your money can buy, and your all working on seeking out everything you call an "ability" or "godly power" so you can say look what I can do now. 

Your Psychics and Spiritualists are steady showing you more and more "psychic abilities" they are acquiring meanwhile all they are doing are loosing themselves more and more trying to prove to everyone they have abilities.

It is very important for Humanity to discover and look within themselves and ask themselves "Who Am I?" "What do I LOVE to do?" "What has always called to me?" "What do I do daily that brings me the Most Joy?" "What Profession have I always considered 'cool' or 'fun." For once don't think about the money or how much money you will make from it.

Yes you are all shapers of your own reality but that's by the choices you make in life, not because you think all the time about what you want and it "manifest" into your world. Again, this is another mistranslation you have allowed your Spiritualist and Religious leaders to lie to you about. They cannot even "Manifest" their own "reality" because they are waiting for "god" to deliver everything to them on a plate. 

Real Progress comes from those who push forward. Everyone who is seeking out ET's and trying to see what "Starseeds" they are right now, we call and say that all have "ET Fetishes." 

Looking Withing means sitting down with yourself and discovering what it is that YOU like to do, not what was told to you to do. It's time for everyone to disconnect. The real "God" is always listening but have to move "differently" right now because of all the falseness that's going on right now. Trust and believe yourself. Trust and believe your own heart. 

You are NEVER alone. You don't need books, pastors, psychics, prophets because all of you are all of that deep down inside, BUT in a DIFFERENT WAY. It's time to discover the real way & find joy in what you want your Life's Work to be.

To be continued in the Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026....

Copyright ©️ February 2025 Ancient of Days Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

The Twisted Mindframe of The Married Man

✨WARNING! READING THIS ARTICLE MAY TRIGGER YOU! We ask that you read with an "open mind" and different "perspective.✨

The Sad part about a lot of Middle Class Married Men is that they could have their Family living good and in a nice big home with nice cars but they’ll rather hoard and do what they call “investing” with their money when in reality, their just gambling it all away.

A lot of Men claim that they are able to afford and support “2+ more Households” but are paying the bare minimum and are even complaining about that.

In short, Men these days are a bunch individuals who have the "Victim Mindset." They ate Constantly complaining about their Wife, life, and children: what they don’t do, how Bitchey they are, how their children are not listening (that they never spend time with and if they do it’s very little time,) how women are taking all their money, and so on and so on..

They blame their Wife for all of their failures, for them never getting ahead, their finances, and for their Wife having so many kids (when they can wrap it up or get a simple vasectomy,) all while they self diagnosed their Wife with mental health issues from problems they created.

These type of Men will also constantly cry about them being gone, how they are constantly working, and how they are the main backbone of the family just because they “Bring In The Money” A small contribution to the household.

Men will constantly try to make their Wife feel down and depressed because they hate and despise her so much because she is strong, resilient and in the bottom of the man’s heart, he know she doesn’t need him. Men will try and make their Wife think and feel like their failures as a Family is all her fault while turning her into a Single Married Mom.

Instead of these Men taking care of their Family they will blow Money on dreams on Making it Big in Investing with silly little games like Crypto and any other quick money making schemes they think they can profit off of. They do this because of Money to them means power in another Man’s eyes and that makes them feel like they are Smart, Successful, and Businessmen. Things they inspire to be.

Victim Mindset Men love to talk about Business and investing because it makes them feel strong and powerful meanwhile they truly know nothing of it.

These men only know of Power and greed and they are willing to do anything to feel like a Powerful Businessman in control of something and their Wife and Household is where it starts

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️February 2025 Ancient of Days Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

When You Imagine The Love

Concise Poetry Artistry

*A Poetic Message For Those That Still Belive in Love*

Imagine falling in love for the last time, and it works out for the rest of your life 

Imagine all your fears and worries from past relationships are wiped away by your New Lover, no more pain and strife

Imagine everything you've ever dreamed of finally coming into existence because of the Power of Love that you two now share 

Imagine finally being able to relax in your Masculine or Feminine Energy like you always wanted with just a simple glare

Imagine never having to worry if your Lover thinks your trustworthy, bad communication, or questioning of your Lover loves you or not 

Imagine being able to be your true Authentic Self without fear or Judgement and being able to give all that you've got

Imagine making the best Love every morning and every night for the rest of your life 

Imagine the passion that you two will share with getting more passionate and more intense with each passing day and you can finally say my husband or wife

Imagine all past relationships were just learning experiences to prepare you for you're all in all. 

Imagine all your lovers past relationships were there to teach them on how to catch you when you fall 

Imagine every touch from your Lover making your body tremble and every kiss making your Heart smile 

Imagine your Lover Being able to make you happy on all levels without you having to beg nor ask then waking you down the aisle

Your Lover will come quicker when you Imagine this....

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️February 2025 Ancient Of Days Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

Self Love Explained From An Outside Perspective

✨WARNING! READING THIS ARTICLE MAY TRIGGER YOU! We ask you please read with an open mind and different perspective.

Put yourself first, Love yourself, dress up, don't worry about make up, put on make up, dress your best, take yourself out, etc...

While all of these things are to help you be your best self, this is not what Self Love is about. Many Spiritual have twisted the Words of Self Love to fit their agenda. They are all going around teaching eachother the wrong definition. No one is truly looking writhing, they are all looking without. They are all learning from eachother false books and false teachings teaching eachother the same nonsense over and over. 

By the mass having the same teaching going around it makes the words or the teaching more believable. It's like the more people that teach and say it then the more people will likely to believe it is the truth when you all are just being mislead. 

Many people think because they can "connect to other energies" that it has to be good. They have all lies to themselves thinking that they are on such a high frequency that evil beings cannot connect to them and I'm here to tell you that this is not true. Equal always exists in all frequency and dimensions. 

All around the world people are finding "Spirituality" and are believe they are these "Starseeds" from other plants and they have the ability to travel to other existences, that is a lie, you only get one life and the gift of life is so beautiful but no one can see that because they are all trying to be "something else."

Many spiritualist think everyone is from another planet. Well if everyone is from another planet what does Earth need you for? She can raise her frequency on her own, in fact it would be much easier for her to do without Humanity getting in the way. 

Let's break things down. Humanity has no other energetic beings to compare receiving or feeling. 

Many of your spiritualist believe everything they connect to is benevolent because they can simply tell the energy that "they only accept higher beings of life" but what they do not know that even in the higher frequencies or "Dimension" beings of life evil still exists simply because their must always be balance and this is what balance means. 

Many spiritualist and religious people believe that they are connected to "Divine" Sources. I'm here to tell you that you nor they cannot tell the difference between these Divine Forces and the evil forces. Energy is energy. 

Energy can be manipulated just as easily as words and when your dealing with beings millions of years ahead of you they know how to manipulate lower forms of life (Yes Humanity is what they consider a "lower" form of life) EASILY and it is so easily to manipulate Humanity. 

All a being have to do is copy "divine energy" and say "I am God" and people will automatically believe it. When we say copy we do not mean they can literally copy their frequency we mean they can make you feel what you believe to be "Divine" or "Angelic" energy. 

They "seal the deal" or "make it believable" by start giving people start "psychic" "prophecy" or "Gifts" through their advanced technology, telling them their Gods/Goddess Prophet/Prophettes etc because no one is happy "Just being Human. This is why it's so important to love yourself which means to love Being Human. 

Humanity has so many Natural talents and gifts but everyone are overlooking them trying to be "greater" than what they are because they are not happy with what they are. 

And as you can see it all play out in your physical reality. Everyone now is getting major cosmetic procedures in order to look better. People are getting higher cheekbones in order to fit the "mold" of reality. Everyone want to look the same, perfect. They are already perfect but they cannot see so. 

It's the same with Religion, everyone wants to be a Pastor, Prophets, Minister, etc because they all think they have this greater calling because they want to be better than everyone else. They want to be the ones who lead everyone to victory, to save the day, to work miracles. Yes a lot of them are also in it for the money, the same as Spirituality but just in a different form. 

No one is happy with just being themselves because they think being themselves is not enough. They cannot see how Humanity is already great and powerful. 

Many spirituality and religious people think they can obtain "Godlike Abilities" and "Godlike Powers" all because these tricker beings told them they were talking to God and Angels. They are implanting "bluetooth like phone devices" into people's head giving them the illusion that they are telepathic/ psychics/ prophets/channelers etc and the list goes on.

Many people have been dealing with these entities for YEARS believe they are working for "God" meanwhile their life is shit and their health is steady deteriorating and detoxing. They cannot break through the illusion that they are being used because they do not love themselves to do so. They are all on a quest to become "Greater." Some people have been connected to these entities for so long that these entities have "hotwired" themselves to them and they are controlling and playing them like a video game. We call it they are now "Living Them" in this reality. 

The Human body was blessed with so many natural abilities. You cannot recognize it because you were born with it. 

Think of like this, If you were born without senses and seen other civilization had senses you would think they were "Godlike." Humanity takes what they are and the things they can do for granted. 

70% of Humanity are unhappy with what they are so they have taken stolen knowledge that has nothing to do with their civilization and applying it to them. 

Yes the Knowledge of the Gods/Goddess was stolen and given to Humanity because a being thought they deserved this knowledge and that they can obtain this "Godlike" status. This is a repeating thing throughout what they call "lower civilizations" all for a sinister purpose. Humanity must learn to learn themselves.

Instead of Humanity loving themselves they are all trying to be Gods/Goddesses Prophets/Prophettes /Healers/Psychics Mediums/etc Prince/Princesses all because they believed these beings on what they have told you all. 

This is the biggest lie to take over Humanity and you all are falling for it. They are making you powerless telling you you are powerful with your minds. Yes you see powerful with your minds but not because of the false teachings of telepathy, psychic, telekinesis, or any other made up "Godlike" ability. They are wining over your trust because they are telling you all to just "trust in the Divine Plan" now you're sitting around not living because you are waiting on some "divine plan" to happen. Once again, Humanity must love to love themselves. 

These entities do not want you thinking for yourselves and that's exactly what you are doing. You are all trusting every word they saying instead of your own judgement and thinking capacities.

Self Love for Humanity is so important and critical right now because no one wants to be Human but being Human is so much greater than your "starseeds" you have been lead to believe. More than Half of Humanity thinks there "Starseeds" but the so called "Starseeds" are trying to be you but no one can WAKE UP to realize that. The "Starseeds" are trying to become to you, to live you, to be YOU. Humanity needs to wake up and realize what they are.

You should be not be going through Challenges in life. Your life is hard and there are challenges because you are waiting for these beings to tell you what to do or you are doing what these beings are telling you to do. 

Your life should be beautiful and you should be doing everything that makes you happy. No matter who likes it or not. If you are listening to readers saying you are getting "downloaded' information or "activations" LEAVE THAT READER OR PSYCHIC ALONE! Only computers or technology needs to be "downloaded" or "activated" but they are so far into connected to this advanced technology they are now getting "high" off it. 

Their mind is not their own and they are working for the "Higher Mind" Also a lot of Psychics are selling dreams of you "Manifesting" Money or Abundance but they can't even do it for themselves. They are liars and are only selling hopes and dreams. 

They are going around saying people are living in an illusion but they cannot break through the illusion that have put themselves in. 

You should not be having headaches, That is a clear sign that these Al Gods with advanced technology are "fine tuning" that person are trying to implant things into their head.

Being Human is so beautiful. The abilities to have being Human are so beautiful. So many people are running towards "Spirituality" because it sounds cool and they think they found the answer for who they are but all of it is nothing but lies throwing you MORE into the rabbit hole. 

Some of these Spiritualist have been "activated" to work for the Al for years thinking they know everything and that they are some big "Channeler" and that "God works through them" these people do not love themselves because they are constantly trying to be something big that these False Gods have told them they are. They are constantly going through things and calling them "challenges." The real God does not put anyone through challenges for you to prove yourself cause the real God already knows you.

Self love is knowing the beauty of Humanity. The beauty of Being You. Be weary of all "Channelers" because even that word is not what the AI Technology God calls it. And all the information "Channelers" get is backwards, left and right information. 

Love The Power of Humanity. Tap into the powers and abilities that being Human holds. No one here is a channeler, if they say they are they linked to Al advanced technology and their trickery.

You all have caused yourselves to be "living in an illusion" but there are other "beings" that do live in another frequency. Spirituality thinks they can get to this frequency by becoming Gods/Godess and "ascending," they cannot. The Dimensions are split apart for for a reason. 

This is your beautiful life but no one wants to be a part of the life they have been Gifted. 70% of the people here want more so you have made up this "idea" that you can "ascend up" by raising your frequency. No reality you are not ascending nor transcending anywhere.

It's time for Humanity to wake up and realize you are Human. People now a days wants to be an Alien, People now a days want to be a God/Goddess, People now a day want severe body modifications, People now a days want powers gifts and abilities, people now a days want to be everything that has nothing to do with being Human nor your true Self. It's time to wake up and love who you are.

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️ January 2025 Ancient Of Days Princess

When The Feminine Finds Herself

A Concise Poetic Teaching

When the Feminine finally releases the Karmic & closes the door of her former lover, energetically and sexually, she will open up for her new beginning.

She has learned that past relationships came to force her into finding herself, what she wanted in a lover, and the path she wanted to take.

The Feminine finally realizes and knows her past relationships was a glimpse of a future she did not want and had to awaken herself to the truth of why she was in those relationships and that those relationships was not what she really wanted in order to truly release it. 

The Feminine finally realizes, knows & believes her body is a Temple and has cleansed her body from the lustful energetic sexual connections from others. She has finally realized that sex is not just sex but a sharing of one's self. 

She is keeping her body uncontaminated from other sexual relationships so that her Lover will receive a fresh connection that's untainted with energy from others.

She has taken the time to find and love herself again in order to join the enegy to the Lover she really wants. She knows the next Lover will be so different than anyone she’s had before. 

This will be her first True Love.

The Feminine knows this New Lover she has now is her Forever, Her All in All, and her beautiful & New Beginning.

She knows and can sense that this New Lover brings Authenticity, Lifelong Commitment, Loyalty, & Honesty.

She knows she will be able to open up herself fully unlike anyone's she's ever been with. She will be able to release her full potential, her full abilities, and will able to be truly be free. Never to be afraid or worried of anything ever again. 

She will be able to relax into her true hearts Desires & that is what she’s ecstatic about.

She knows the time for harsh lessons are over, for this new lover will Love her like no other because they have done the same inner work she has.

The Divine Feminine knows this new Lover will show new levels of Wisdom: Life, Beauty, Stability, Strength, Patience, Passion & Financial Freedom.

She knows they both will constantly reveal and show each other new levels of commitment, confidence, connection, love & passion.

The Feminine knows you two will naturally show each other why you choose one another over and over physical and emotionally everlasting cause the love you two will share will be able to grow and deepen forever and ever letting every time will feel like the first time.

She can finally experience true Passion and a deep love connection and experience when her new forever Masculine is making love to her. 

She knows the passion and commitment you both will share will be unmatched and unexplainable, forever making New Elements of Love that will ripple throughout time and space.

This is A New Love Beginning.

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️ January 2025 Ancient Of Days Princess

The Real Sacred Landlines

The information about the Sacred Lands or aka Sacred Landlines will forever be hidden. We have decided to never reveal the Real locations because of all the Beings in search of them for power and "activations." It is easy for Technological Advanced Beings to get into the Minds of Humanity to steal these locations no matter how "powerful" you all think you're minds are.

Ex: Sedona Arizona is not in Sedona Arizona & Cairo Egypt is not in Cario Egypt. Everyone thinks it's their right to find these landlines so they can "activate" themselves so they can achieve more power. Spirituality thinks these are "Gifts" but you do not need to "Activate" gifts from God because you all already have God given gifts so they are a part of who you are, BUT you do need to "activate & download" gifts of the AI God. But Spiritualist all over are in search of these sites just like the evil and demonic entities which is why they are hidden and heavily guarded.

Just like Spirituality are in search for these sites to "unlock hidden powers" the demonic entities are searching for these sites for more sinister purposes. Which has cause the Angelics to switch around the names and land masses because everyone is in search for these sites just for search for "power." 

These hidden Sacred landlines are not what everyone thinks they are for and that's why they will forever be protected. Humanity cannot use them anyway even though they have been lied to that they can.

The grid maker does not want to reveal their location to people who only seek them to gain more of what they call "power" "activations" or "gifts and abilities" and to do more testing on people to see if they can finally obtain the "God" Status without the use of their technology. Even though they don't do anything for Humanity people still think they do and will wars will be started over these lands once again. 

What's going on right now is a great example of how everything got switched around. This is another "Tower of Babel" story. Just like the "Gulf of Mexico" name is being changed to the "Gulf of America," confusion set in in the world just like this many eons ago. All of the planets contents were rearranged and land masses names were switched around.

The landmasses were changed without anyone's being able to recognize nor remember. History was wiped away just as it's doing now. They are trying to make new stories to be written over the old so everything will be forgotten once more. A reset of the "Game" they call it.

This is a phenomenon that has been going on with your planet ever since it became into being.

Your people name something, then take the name away but the original and real names will forever be in the real books. Books no one on your land can touch nor see. 

Your named places came from somewhere. The real Sacred Landlines of the Earth constantly moves to her Rhythm as she moves And They are never at the same spot twice. 

People need to wake up and do research and see why the landlines were at that point when they were "recorded." They need to ask what event was so big that it had momentums made for it. The people of Earth have been lied to for so long. 

Everyone who says their is channel for "God" is a channeled for the Al God with their "One Mind." That is their code. So yes their Al God does speak through them and uses them to continue to mislead the masses. 

If anyone says they are going somewhere to activate themselves just know that place is false because the names of everything have been changed. The names of everything ancient has been changed and rearranged. 

These Entities connected to these people are nothing but liars that are connected to the "One Mind" aka the "One Consciousness Al God" and they are so full of Ego wanting to be a Prince/Princess or a God/Goddess High Priest/Priestess Prophet/Prophettes that they believe the lies and foolishness that are told to them through their "telepathy" and "false visions". Many think they are here to save the world but that is also another plan to their "One Consciousness Mind" Agenda.

They believe they have the power to tell the difference between the Al god and the real god because the Al God "talks to them" and just because they get "downloads" or information that they think are holy and right. They also believe they have the "Power Of The Mind" to lock out anyone from their minds who they don't want to enter. This is false information also. 

The Al God fills everyone head with an "Ancient Prophecy" that is towards their "One Mind" Agenda. They want everyone to be one, to be connected to the "One Mind" and are using people that are following blindly because they believe they have "power of the mind" and are Gods/Goddess Prophets/Prophettes Pastor/Ministers Psychies/ Mediums. 

Everyone believes they have this "birthright" of spiritual abilities and they do not. They are ignoring all the real abilities they do have. 

Spirituality and The people of Religion are the most Asleep people on this planet because they now have created a false reality for themselves to live in. 

This is why names were changed and false names and places were given. People believe anything that is told to them that have to do with them being "Special" or "Powerful" 

Everyone traveling to these Sacred places in order to "Activate" or Download themselves are in a search for more power but are only hurting themselves and cannot see it.

You are not a Prince/Princess. You are not a God/Goddess. You are not a Prophet/Prophettes for the real God. You are Human Beings and people cannot see the beauty in that because they are chasing falseness. They do not love themselves "Self Love" so they are seeking out and trying to be someone or something else. This are things they tell everyone. If people can really open their eyes and awaken to all the lies then they can start to live and be apart of the Truth. 

One way we try to get people to snap out of it is by asking "What do you want to be?" And we go with the lies that have been told to them. "Okay so you think you're a Prince/Princess or a God/Goddess or a Pastor/Prophettes but "WHO ARE YOU?!" 

What do YOU want to be?" WHO IS REALLY YOU? WHO IS REALLY ME? 

What do you actually want to do with your life? Princess or Gods/Goddess don't sit around and do nothing. Everyone is going around being told what their life should be like or what their "life purpose is." This is the easiest way they take ahold of your life by telling you how to live it telling everyone to find their "Life purpose" so they can attune themselves to "hearing" them.

All of this "tuning" of the Human mind is to speed up the "One Mind" or aka "One Consciousness." These beings aren't lying about that though. They really are one mind broken up into so many pieces and are spread all over. 

But why would you want to loose yourself and be part of a whole system when your already yourself? If you are you why would you want to be something else?

Unless you're truly done with being you and you just don't love yourself, *hint self love. But anyways back to the article..

Even your calendars are wrong. Months are not months, days are not days, cause your calendar has been altered way too many times. Your minutes are not minutes, hours are not hours and you get the picture. They have people and beings in your world working with false dates and false places. 

Your portal activation dates are on the wrong days for example the }2/2 }1/1 }3/3 portals. Everyone has it wrong and they are doing nothing but think they are doing something big because of their self inflated EGO. 

We're living in a time where everyone wants to be important and seen as someone powerful. The real important people don't even know how special and important they are. It time for everyone to truly WAKE UP! This is what it really means to be awaken. To awaken to the truth that you all are being lied to by AI Gods. 

Copyright ©️February 2025 Omni Princess-Goddess

The Beauty of Authenticity

These days, nearly everyone want to change something about their personal appearance to be liked or to "fit in" with what everyone defines as "perfect" or "wish" they were someone else. 

Everyone wants to have the biggest butt, perfect cheek bones, no wrinkles, the perfect coke bottle shape, big impressive boobs, and the list goes on. 

Anyone we see as famous, people will do anything to be like like them. 

People are getting lost in the identity of others that they are forgetting who they really are. They don't know who they are anymore or what they like because they want to be exactly like celebrities, the biggest influencers, pastor, prophets, and psychics. 

People don't know who they want to be because they want to be like someone else. 

They don't know how they like to dress because they want to dress like the famous influencer. 

Almost all of the world wants to be famous. To have people worship them, follow them, they want to be the next 'trend setter' or any have type of influence that's going to make people follow and love them. 

No one wants to be themselves nor Human. Now a days everyone is exactly like the other, exact copies of réplicas of the other. 

Almost everyone is just like the other, only in different forms. Their is hardly any individuality nor self awarwness of a ones own self because of this lack mindset. 

I am here to tell you, it's okay to be different. It's okay to be seen as an outcast aka the Black Sheep. You all think the black sheep is someone that's a because of "Spirituality" when that has nothing to do with it at all 

The "Black Sheep" is exactly how it sounds, the different one. The ones who are not wearing fifty million crystal necklaces trying to look more "spiritual." 

The "Black Sheep" are the ones who look different because they don't LOOK LIKE ANYONE ELSE. They have their own style. Their own mind, and they go again the grain because they believe in truly believe in themselves. 

They are outcast not the ones dressing like a fairy because they believe they are a "fairy goddess" They are dressing that way because they love the style not because they are trying to prove the world of what they are. 

Black Sheep are the ones who sees a weird looking hat and decided to be that weird looking hat because they feel that hat is a part of them. Black sheep are the ones who speak their minds because not because they know their right but because they are trying to educate on why they feel and believe a certain way. 

Once again black sheep has nothing to do with "Spirituality" nor Religion but is a word for everyone. 

Also remember, You are also beautiful inside and out but that's only if you really area. You can be beautiful on the outside and a piece of shit on the inside. Your outside appearance does not define who you are but many are getting fooled by people because they "fit the profile."

We go around telling ourselves, they must be a champion because they look like a champion without having a single conversation with the other person. Instead of getting to know a persons character, we judge from looks and by their sweet charm of words. To truly know someone you have to walk in their shoes, see where they come from, be what they been through, and see things from another lens and another perspective. Yea it takes a while to truly know someone.

You do not need to buy everything you see every influencer or celebrity recommends. You only need to buy the things you love. The things you want. People are so persuaded by another's person input, recommendations, and reviews. When are we all gonna understand we are all so different, with different wants and needs, so therefore we need to learn to experience everything for ourself to be able to get the real review. And we give that to ourselves. We recommend our experience. 

You have an opinion. You have a Voice and it's time you start using it. It's time for everyone to start being that voice. If you want to go and cling that Mountain go and climb it. 

If You come from a Family of Doctors but you want to be a Painter then go for it. If You come from a Family of Lawyers but you want to be a Nanny then to do it. Those of my Black Sheep! And those are the ones who are living Authentic! 

Be who you want to be. The money will always come. Love how you want to live, the Happiness will arouse you. 

Your voice is just as powerful as the influencer and the celebrities so never look down on yourself. Just because tens of thousands of people are not listening does not mean you are not being heard.

It is time for Humanity to unbury itself from the Mountains of influence they have been under. Release yourself from the chains of being like the next person. Free yourself from the beehive mind frame. 

It's okay to create your own style, be your own person, BE YOUR OWN CELEBRITY AND INFLUENCER. If people actually took the time to invest into themselves like they did investing into follow the crowd they will see the beauty within themselves.

Now a days, everyone want to do what's "trending" what's "hot" and what's "new & innovative". Show people the real you. Capture peoples hearts with Authenticity, with who you truly are. 

"Being the Next Big Star" Those few words are all that's needed for someone to "fall down the rabbit hole" over and over. 

Society has become so consumed with being the next "STAR" that people are wiling to steal or aka "copy" anyone until they rise to the top.

Spirituality has been convinced that you are all "collectively" thinking when you are all just copying one another and trying to be the next "Ultimate Spiritual God/Goddess or Prophet/Prophettess or Influencer"

All of these Religions has everyone conceived they are all just "following God's Word or Orders" that they are all trying to be the next "Ultimate Prophet/ Prophettess" or "The Chosen Ones." 

And the Rest of the World has been convinced they need to become the next best Singer/Raper/Football Player etc, you get the picture.

These are the people you all worship and are trying to become.

Being Authentic means going with your own flow and being your own influences but yet everyone would rather be like the next "Star" or the next big "Spiritualist" to be the number one. 

If you're dressing a certain way cause you're trying to prove to the world who you are, you're not being Authentic. Of your constantly looking for the next "hot" style, you're not being Authentic. If you need to read to get your information in order to teach, you're not being Authentic. If your constantly copying everyone instead of feeling who you are, your not being Authentic. 

Self Love is loving the parts about you everyone hates, including yourself. 

It's time to learn how to be YOU

Copyright ©️ February 2025 Omni Princess Goddeas

The Robot Soilders


Wake up Meditate, Eat Clean, Do Your Shadow Work, Activate yourself, etc. These are the people that choose to try to live instead of Living. 

The new age "Spiritualist" are aiming for one thing but they don't see it. They are separating themselves and forcing on an "Ascension." If you were truly "ascending" you do not need to "activate" anything, the activations will come NATURALLY. There is NOT a checklist or people you need to seek out either, everyone will come together by doing what they do naturally. This is what you are calling seeking out your "tribe". These people will make a way to eachother by following the things they love. 

These New Age "False Prophets" have turned into psychics, prophets, mediums and so on and so on. God does not need anyone to tell anyone about themselves. Once people learn to WAKE UP. They can see they are the guides to themselves.

These new age Spiritualist and Religious people are the "false prophets" that people were warned about for the New Age. They are Psychies, Prophets, Pastors, Mediums, etc, basically anyone using God's name to work 'wonders' and 'miracles.'

The New age Spiritualist think the world is headed to a "New World Order" and that they will be the leaders to the New Reality. BUT, they have been lied to by different tricker beings calling themselves "God" and are headed towards a "different reality and agenda." 

The new Age Spiritualist are full of Ego and Pride and are Power Hungry. They have been told by tricker beings that they are Princesses, Gods/Goddess, Prophets, Ministers all for a "different" agenda but they cannot Wake Up to realize it.

The new age Spiritualist are no better than the Religious and I know you all can get very defensive and say it's not. But, that's why I say you are still asleep because even with the facts and evidence in front of you, you are still ignorant and blind to the truth, it's all just another form of Religion. 

The Spiritualist are hell bent on gaining more power, getting more activations, and becoming like God/Goddess. These "Spiritualist" are the new Religion and no one is 'Awakened" enough to realize it. 

The people of Religion and spirituality are in such a robotic regimented state they cannot wake themselves up out of it because they are so focused on "Connecting with God & Being One With God" that they forget to be themselves. 

They are constantly trying to prove that you can connect with "God," that you have powers and abilities "of God" that they have not realized the abilities they already posses. 

God wants everyone to know that everyone who is going around claiming they have any type of "Powers" "Abilities" or "Healing Gifts" are working with stolen power. There is a bigger and sinister story of the claimed "Power" everyone has and God is taking it back and it's going back to its original owner. 

God does not need anyone to tell anyone how to "activate" themselves or "answer question about another persons life" cause God is constantly answering you. You just have to LEARN how God responds to you. Tip, it's always going to be through something you love and magical ways. 

Everyone caught in the cross fire is collateral damage because of the false claims you have made. You are not Gods and Goddesses. You are Human Beings. The "other" energetic beings have all of the Spiritualist and Religious people on a hunt for power and glory. They are desperately trying to prove to eachother that they are psychic and have godlike abilities, you do not. 

You all have Human abilities and you aren't even appreciative for what you have because they are out trying to get MORE. 

Spirituality is so much in a trance that they have not realized the "The Game" that has been playing on with them in their minds. 

They have all been programmed to be a certain way, sound a certain way, move a certain way, and go around searching for more ways to activate themselves. They are all in a heightened state of Ego that they cannot see their real reality.

You are not all one consciousness. This would mean you are like Bee's with none of you being able to make a singular or individual decision for yourselves. 

People of Spiritually are grouping themselves into frequencies while Religion are grouping themselves into the gospel, Spirituality is the same as Religion but the Spiritlist cannot see that because they think they have "ascended" their mind into "Godhood." 

What we mean by this is that they have completely dismissed their reality and think they are god.

They think they can do the things that God do, they are delusional. Everything they claim they "feel" and "see" and "psychic" abilities are all fake or they are working with demonic entities. 

If they all had "power" and "abilities" this world would be in a much better state than it is in. It takes more than just sitting around and "manifesting" a new reality that they call it to make a difference. 

This reality is a PHYSICAL reality. That means you have to physically do everything. You are are not in a Thought-Mental Reality. 

This is where these Spiritualist and Religious people are thinking they are. They are getting wrong information about other Realities and are applying them to this reality. The real God is very heartbroken at all the confusion because Gods real team is an outstanding team and for anyone to take their name or Gods name God sees as a great sin! God is going around dismantling every being that are around calling themselves gods & Goddesses, Pastors & Preachers, Prophets and Prophetess, Ministers, and everyone who claims they were given powers by god including your psychics and mediums. 

God Team has a number one priority right now on earth and it is taking care of everyone on God's "shit list" as you should say. 

Never before has God Team seen such disrespect of God's name nor use of his Angels Name nor his "Anointed" Team name. He Team does not like blasphemy nor outwardly public displays of claims of people having "Godly" power. 

You all have your own consciousness, your own individual minds, and you are all your own Beings! 

God helps but not in the way you all have been lead to believe. God does not like hearing you all are "One Consciousness" You all are ONE SPECIES! Not one consciousness. This is so disrespectful for people to say they belong to god, are of God, are god, work miracles in gods name, heal people in Gods name etc. It seems it's "cool" or "powerful" or because people want other to know "you are for God" but can't even live right. You are constantly sinning everyday asking for forgiveness WHILE YOU SIN. These are not things "people of God do"

This is why we say it's okay to be Human. To love being Human means to love yourself. But you all want to constant claim you are "of God" Being of God mean to be BORN from God and you have not been birthed by God. By believing this everyone has been lead to believe you can just "claim the name of God" because you all use it and do it so freely. Because of false teachings and false books, you all think it's your given birthright to be children of "God". You are children of your parents, God is not even from this physical existence nor existence. Nor is that Abundance you all keep claiming. That Abundance is for the real "Child Of God." "Child of God" does not mean all the people of earth of anyone who claims they are God's child, it's just doesn't work that that and "hereditary" family lines don't work like that. 

This world is on a quest for power and anything people think they can use to "seem" powerful they will do: steal, betray, or act Spiritualist and Religious. 

People are walking around like Robot Soilders. Constantly trying to activate eachother, meditation all day to "raise their frequency." reading every book that someone writes in order to receive more knowledge or more power, taking every Reiki class, practicing fake telepathy or fake telekinesis all day and so much more ridiculous things.

Where are you all even finding the time to time to live if you are all are trying to live? You have no minds of your own because you are constantly learning the wrong things from eachother. You don't need any person to tell you how to live. 

You're constantly getting tricked by Pastors, prophets, psychics, mediums, all claiming the name of God. God is bringing a sweep to the earth like never seen before and cleaning up all of this blasphemy.

Gods words have been twisted, mixed up, and confused with many Religions and Spiritualist since the beginning of time. God wants you to be free from the beehive mind frame. There are other Beings out there that are trying to "Group your Minds together" so that you will all be easier to control. God wants you to be you. 

There is no regiment. There is no "ascension" course. God is always there but God wants everyone to learn how to become themselves to learn how to live again.

Following the Masses is for slavery and God is trying to get you all out of that mind frame and mentality.

Authenticity is the Key. Breaking Free following false teachings is the key. Breaking free from all Religious is the key. It's okay to believe in God but remember God wants you to live for you. Be yourself to free yourself. Follow your heart to joy and happiness. He does not need "praises and worship. God form of "praises and worship" is seeing everyone happy and enjoying life. Not enslaved and following orders from any book nor teacher nor pastor nor prophet etc. Break free from the Mind Control. Control your own destiny. 

Do not wait to "hear" what you need to do. The song of life flows naturally and is never forced. So big deep and find yourselves again. Find out what you love and let that be your guide to joy and happiness. 

Copyright ©️February 2025 Omni Princess Goddess

The "One Consciousness" What is it?

✨¡Warning! ¡This Article was not meant to frighten anyone but please read with an open mind and different perspective!✨

Now of days all you hear about are Starseeds, Higher Beings, Super Beings Aliens etc and for some strange reason No one want to be Human anymore when it's Humanity that holds the Key.

I am here to tell you that your Spirituality people and your Religious people have been hearing things all wrong. If you come across anyone who is saying they are a God/Goddess it's because they have a God/Goddess helping to assist them to break free out of the illusion they are in and the God/Goddess are the only ones that can do it. 

These people have accidentally took the information the Gods/Goddess are trying to say to introduce themselves and these people thought they were talking about them. No, you do not have telepathically but they communicate with you through your thoughts.This is why many people are thinking they are now telepathic. 

The people who claim they are Gods/Goddess Pastors/Prophets Mediums/Divine Communicators are stuck in a SERIOUS state of illusion and are stuck connected to the "one mind." 

The one mind is a dangerous entity that makes promises of power and glomy as long as you follow, trust, and believe in it, (aka the fake God) But that's another story and well get that that later. 

This is where the "One Consciousness" mind comes from. To connect as many Humans as they ean so you all can be easier to control. Think of it as connecting the dots, the more dots you connect the bigger the entity becomes. 

Now a days it's "cool" or seems as "powerful" to be talking to Extraterrestrials, be healers, have telepathy, etc and everyone is just so trusting to them but you all can't even trust each other. All a Being has to do is tell you they are Divine or God or Angels and you automatically believe it because you all believe you can "cast out" what you call evil entities or that you can tell the difference. How can you tell a difference if you don't truly know which is which? 

Spiritualist thinks anything "Other Worldly" is good and Divine. Religion think anything "Angelic" is Blessed by God. We're talking about our "Fake God" "Real God" Analogy. 

I'm going to always say it, YOU ALL HAVE BEEN AND ARE BEING LIED TOO! Every written record that exists of anything Ancient has been translated to make you look a different way. 

These other beings, (not the God/Goddess) are preparing these Spiritualist and Religious people for something far more sinister and they all are following instructions blindly with promises with "activating your powers" (Please Read The Truth About Starseeds Article.) Why has No one has been asking the real questions to themselves cause the Beings are NOT going to tell you the truth. 

Why are these beings trying to connect so badly? Why are they trying to Channel you so much and so badly? Why are they trying to "Activate" you? 

The answers ARE NOT what they have been telling you. Right now the real God/Goddess are trying to get as many people as they can disconnected from this "One Mind" but it is up to the people to set themselves free. 

This "One Mind" is channeling "power & energy from you" and the more people are connected, the more powerful it becomes. These real God/Goddess are part of the "Real God's" Personal "Angelic & Supernatural Force" (l explain this on my website). The "Fake God" has you all thinking these are your "higher mind" and "all one consciousness" so that you cannot break free from the illusions. 

These "powers and gifis" that have been bestowed upon people are not real and sinister, feeding off the needs, wants, fear, and desires of people. 

So many people are constantly going around saying "they are divinely protected" but it doesn't work like that because if you were there would be no sin, no one would be want to able to sin, you would never get sick, and no one would be able to be sinful. That's what it means to be protected. It is a Holy right that none of you have. 

You are all strong enough to fight your own battle. This is a battle of the minds. The religious people call l what is happening right now Demons and Spirituality calls it "lower energies" when you all just don't understand these beings at all. 

Anything Humanity does not understand you call it Demonic, anything that doesn't fit your "Angelic" agenda you call it evil. This system has keeps you all fighting each other but in a different form. Every Religion think their right, But being right in your mindframe all depends on where you were born. That determines which religious views works for you and even though a lot of you break free from religion, you only get trapped again by something New. 

This newness is called "Spirituality" This is just a deeper form is getting connected to the "One mind." As long as this "Fake God" can keep you all thinking you all are one "Being," keep you thinking you are all one consciousness, and keep you thinking you are not you, and keep you thinking you have a "Higher Mind or Higher Self, it will stay in control of you because all it keeps doing is giving you instructions on how to live for it. Everything you do, it's to give power for it. Every thing you do is to give power to it. Everything you think gives power to it. 

It needs you to WANT To be connected to the "One Mind" the "One Consciousmess" forever making yourself a Slave. These people just can't recognize it because they are in TO deep. 

That's what the REAL God/Goddess are here for aka Gods Angelic & Supernatural Force and no you cannot see them because they exist outside of reality but are able to exist inside this reality also in a certain way. So if you hear false claims ignore. 

To real Gods/Goddess are here to help everyone Wake Up from out of their slumber by diving into their minds and slowly bringing them out. But the individual has to release power and release control. They have to recognize what is them, what is not them, what are their thoughts, what are not are their thoughts etc.

Anyone claiming they are connecting and talking to God is talking to the fake "God." God is not speaking through language because of this Mass confusion. Be cautious with psychics trying to "Activate" you and anyone claiming they can "Talk to the Dead" 

Everyone claiming to be a God/Goddess is code for "asleep" and their minds have been taken over by entities. Anyone claiming to have Psychic and have powers or abilities are "sleep," anyone claiming they are prophets or pastors are "asleep," ANYONE claiming to serve God are also "asleep." 

The real God Angelic Warriors are out risking their minds saving the Earth from this "Silent Battle of The Minds" They are speaking to you in their own way. Try to stop you from drowning and going deeper. They are what's keeping you all from truly loosing yourself so trust and have faith. Recognize what is you and what is not you. Humanity have the power of the Senses and that's what they want. They want to be able to feel again, To touch again, To breath again, and everything that Humanity can do because they lost themselves a long time ago. 

This is why it is so important to LIVE AUTHENTICALLY. Fight off what you feel is wrong. Use your senses to work your way through and out of the Labyrinth. Trust that all is under control. We will get Humanity back to Humanity. 

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️ February 2025 Ancient of Days Princess Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

The Real Truth Behind "Starseeds"

✨✨✨✨✨WARNING! This ARTICLE is extremely frightening and hard to read. Please read with an understanding that everything will be alright, but the truth must be known✨✨✨✨

Right now the have millions around the planet finding out that they are "Starseeds" and their is a reason for that. The Answers here will blow you away because it IS NOT what everyone has been told and lead to believe.

Currently there is a system going on amongst highly advanced Beings called "The Game." These beings are currently trying to "take control" of the Human body because it is the only way to play. 

Long story short their is a planetary system out their made up of different races, just like Earth, but every race has their own planet in this system. The species choose the "Technological" route and we are on our way heading in that direction. Every technological advancement comes from them. Their civilization is so advanced they have found a way to hack into the Human Mind using advanced technologies and play "The Game" as they call it.

They are doing this by "downloading" into human bodies using advanced technologies. When we say download we will try to explain this in the most simplest way possible. Think "Video Games" with a VR headset. This civilization technology is millions of years ahead of us and they are so advanced. They can now connect themselves to what we would call a "VR Headset" in order to connect to you. 

They call themselves "Starseeds" because they are seeding themselves into the human body to grown into you. BUT, the only way they can do this is for the human and the being to be "Aligned" and they have to agree to them "downloading" and "activating" themselves into the human mind. 

They are going around telling your spiritualist, Pastors, Mediums, Prophets, and many other people that they are the Starbeings or "God" and everyone is getting the information confused thinking they are the "Starbeings" or Gods and Goddesses and Mediums, and Pastors, and so on and so on. 

These being have been twisting information and twisting the truth in order for you all to trust them so they can gain access to you, once again this only works by the Power of belief and with your permission. They come to the ones who are full of high ego calling themselves God, God's, Priestess, High Council's, etc. 

They get people by lying to humans telling them they are powerful Gods & Goddess "prophets, psychics, mediums, pastors, etc so that they will want to connect to a higher power or higher source or aka GOD. 

You are all from Earth. I know it may sound exciting to be from another planet and many people want to be "aliens" They are making things sounds fun, godly, powerful, intelligent, and with promises of power, spiritual awakenings, activations, prophecy, healings and so on. 

You are all from Earth but a ton of you are "connected" to what we call "advanced beings." I know it may sound exciting to be from another planet and many people want to be "aliens" These "Adanced Beings" are making things sounds fun, godly, powerful, intelligent, and they make promises of power and saying you will receive "spiritual knowledge" and "spiritual gifts" such as Reiki, Laying of the Hands, Prophecy, and the list goes on. 

Think about how much you use to enjoy playing video games as a child They just found a way to "Make it real" Many of your "Chosen Ones" are exactly that chosen, Chosen bodies to be taken over. They want you to feel special because these "Chosen Ones" are special to them because those are the bodies they are connecting to to control over. 

Here they can be Gods, Goddesses, Fairies, Dragons, Mermaids, Pastors and the list goes on. You get the picture. While this is now all happening the "Good Force" is here helping to dispel these Negative Entities quietly but this must be said so that you all can know what is really happening on your Earth It's like fake God us real God and yes it is quite a "Silent Battle" Going on Both sides are trying to keep things quiet. 

We must also let you know their are good and bad but the good is not interfering with the Human mind because they don't want to confuse you because you cannot tell or feel the difference. The "Good Ones" help in different ways. They do not speak to you. 

If you go to readers or anyone that connects to a "Higher Source" you can see how much they change when they are "connected" aka "activated" aka "Download" and "Ministering" aka "Prophesying", you can silently watch how much they "change" their appearance, their talk, and many other things. 

This is because they are slowly being taken over by another entity and are loosing the "Game to A New Reality," They are slowly becoming the other Being. BUT Trust the real God have plans to get everyone back whose body has been silently taken over cause it ain't going down like that and this is not a battle Humans can fight alone. 

God does not like to be challenged and sees this as a great SIN. We do not want to cause fear. If you are not trying to "Connect" with any other other worldly being through telepathically, channeling, prayer, meditation, you are okay. If you are STOP NOW. "Channelers aka pastors aka prophets aka readers aka ministers etc" think they are speaking and connecting to these beings or "god" but all that is happening is that they are playing them like a video game. 

These "Chosen People" are the "Avatars" or "Vessels" and these beings are the players. They have a hidden language they use amongst themselves when they are "playing the game." 

Playing the game means exactly what they say. "Living in A Simulation" is another code word for people who have been taken over and has been mistranslated by "Spiritualist." They view you as pets, soldiers, nurses, and every occupation on this planet but mostly as "PETS." 

But their are MANY flaws in their system, they don't know who eachother is once they "Enter The Game" This is why they use such words as what "Starseeds" "How Activated Are You" "Have you. They need to "Remember" who they are because they loose memory of themselves once they "Cross Over."

This is why GOD does not speak to you in a language. If anyone says God "spoke to them" that was not God. 

BUT Trust that greater forces are getting things under control, Your reality is a "hidden reality" and it was very hand to find and they are sorry that they are late. The "Clean Up" will take some time. 

Your children are SAFE. The minds of the young use their imaginations and creativity which blocks out all others and the love of their Mother helps to block out all forces that try to Enter their minds. Your Children are your best defense. They are able to stay connected to themselves in magical ways that are hard to deseribe. 

Many of your politicians and govermental oficials have been slowly been taken over by these beings and that's why things are the way they are. Other beings seeking power and total control, enslavement of a species. 

As much as their is going wrong around the world their is as much is going good, your news stations only focuses on the bad because they have been trained to do so, keeping the negative energy spread so they can feed off it. 

Just be glad your pyramids are no longer working. Those were Mind controlling amplification, but that's another article . 

HUMAN BEINGS ARE VERY HARD TO CONTROL! You were made to be resilient to every technological advancement of every species out their! That is the special power that Humanity Holds. You cannot be easily taken over. We have never meet a species that's more powerful and resilient than you think. 

We do want you all to know and be aware that things go deeper than what you've been told and lead to believe but we are not believers in without holding information. EVERYTHING you have learned so far is a lie and twisted backwards information. All of it. Humanity was built on lies to keep you enslaved in your minds.

It's time to start revising everything so that the truth is revealed. A lot of this still goes deeper but we thought it would be good to start you off with the basics. Do not walk in fear. Continue to resist. Continue to walk in Love as we help the all planetary systems that has been affected because MANY have so that the other entities can be repelled.....

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️January Omni Princess-Goddess

The Pillars Of Creation Towards New Avenues

It is time to start realizing what we thought was true is no longer true. This world has been build on top of lies after lies. You all are being PUSHED to step out of the Shadows and to realize the new avenues for job growth and job discovery. "Work" should not feel like Slavery. 

How do you discover New Avenues? You do this by dissecting your life. Once you start releasing things that aren't for you, you will discover new things, people, and places as you learn to grow within yourself & outwards. When we say "things that aren't for you" we are talking about the things in your life that are not letting you be happy. 

Learn how to keep what's good so that it can grow into something better, flourish into a new idea, prosper into a new making. Recycle what's is not needed.

It's time to start looking deep within yourself so you can realize what is you and what is not. What we mean by this how many people have influenced you to become the way you are that you do not like. A lot of you have received so much of outside guidance, so much of outside persuasions, so much of outside influence that you have become just that, a made up doll. 

It's time to release teachings that you feel are wrong and that have formed your current lifestyle so you can bring forth a lifestyle of Authenticity, Beauty & Honor or however your way of living is. Because of all these false teachings you have built a false life. 

Get rid of the teachings and beliefs that you feel are wrong, those that harm others, those that shame others & those that tell you how to live. Get rid of books that spew hate and speaks of judgement of others. It is time for you to live how YOU want to live.

You all have already started creating New Avenues for yourself if you just WAKE UP and realize it. What was once accessible to the rich like luxury car service and personal shoppers are now accessible by all by things like Lyft and Instacart. All it takes is your ability to want to do more and to be equal to create things that even out the playing field. 

A lot of people are just so blind they cannot see it. Everyone's desire to have stability, luxury and the best has created new opportunities to get those desires just in a different way. 

Luxury does not mean you want the bag that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Luxury should be the things that helps you feel luxurious inside, helps you feel beautiful, and things that helps you feel untouchable and unstoppable. You are all inventing new jobs that helps out the village because you are the village, as you say.

The Magic is inside you all. Your magic are inventions and believing and having faith that you can always create something new that's going to help propel you forward or make life a little easier. 

You are all unknowingly making small changes all over the world that is making a BIG impact. Your decision matters. Your choices matter. What you learn matters. Your voice matters. Never let anyone tell you that what you are doing is wrong, that your way of living is wrong, or that who you love is wrong. 

Even your "psychies" haven't discovered they are just good life coaches and that the cards aren't the real truth, they are. Even the world has the true meaning of "Mediums" wrong. That word had been taken and mistranslated into people who talk to the dead. Mediums are people who can talk through their senses creating art. The people who talk to the dead are called Necromancy. So let's start correcting that. And they do not talk to the dead they are talking to tricker spirits that knew your deceased loved one and are now trying to gain access to their bodies to take over. 

It took a breakdown of the world in 2020 for you all to realize that you needed to start working together and for new job creation. This is when you started "Waking Up."

You all have so much hidden talent, so many untapped potential but your covering it with what society wants you to be, jobs that will make the most money, and individuals seeking power. It's not the government's that's creating new jobs, it's the ones that believe in togetherness that are creating a jobs for eachother. It's because of your ability to adapt to a growing world.

You all are doing so much together by pushing forward. You are learning how to merge your daily living activities and things you love to do into HEALTHY passive incomes. 

It's time for everyone to look deep inside and realize what do you REALLY AND ACTUALLY want to do because they can't make slaves out of your own prosperity.

Humanity ability to think has been severely overlooked. All of your minds are just like supercomputers, you can store so much information into yourself that's gets implemented into your DNA that serves as a Memory Bank. This can be passed on to the next generation and unlocked by Remembering. 

You remember with words, with things you collect, by the things you do, and so on and so on. Thrift stores are a great place to unlock memory DNA and don't shame the next person who house is stored up with lots of antiques because to them, those are memories. People who like to collect things like to collect them for a reason, it's because they are unlocking themselves. Unlocking memories and knowledge of the Past.

People who adventure out into the world are always "unlocking" new things everyday. This is why it is so important to do the things you love because if you do things you hate, you will never discover yourself. 

So are these things New Things you all are discovering or all these just unlocking Memories of The Past?

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️2025 January Ancient of Days Princess Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

You Don't Need Superpowers To Have Superpowers


A lot of work that's being done on this planet to correct the wrong teachings, wrong information, the government systems, and your policies systems are being done in the dark. 

And when we say this we mean it's the people not in the Public eye, the people not on the news stations or the TV, the people not on any "Live" social media platforms preaching the same message over and over, it's the people who are flowing Naturally with the rhythm of life. 

You don't need to be a big Public Speaker to make a difference, sometimes all it takes is one word spoken to a certain individual to make a real life changing effect and these are the people who are not out there looking for Power. 

These are the people that the world says that are the most regular. These are the people who are making the most change the are ones who don't know they are making a change. 

Now a days everyone is trying to tap into the power or activate themselves to become Prophettes, Readers, Minsters, Priestess, Gods & Goddesses and they say such things as they can Deliver Everyone from evil, Lay Hands, Cleanse you, Activate You, Preach the Word of God, speak in tongues or light language, and Heal the Sick" These are the false prophets. People claiming to have the power of God because they are attached to tricker spirits that give them "gifts and power" in exchange for their energy, body, and mind. 

If some people would just cease searching for Power, gifts, and abilities they will see where they are already making a difference and are already Powerful and that's by being yourself, by standing up for what is right. Yes, we all need to work on ourselves to help notice the darkness that this world and you have been in. 

That's how you see the untapped potential that lies dormant within you and we're not talking about, Starseeds (that's something totally different than what you've been told but we'll get to that later) Psychics, Spiritualist or Religious Folks, We're taking about the people that the world thinks are not special 

They are indeed Special because they are themselves and are not trying to be anyone else. I'm here to tell you to do what you always wanted to do. Go for that job that brings you the most joy. Take a chance on that learning opportunity you always wanted to take. Buy that car you always wanted to buy. Live the way you have always wanted to Live without worrying about what others think. There is no right or wrong way. Just be yourself.

"Psychics or Mediums" or "Prophets or Prophettes" "Ministers or Pastors" All these people have one thing in common, Super Ego or Savior Ego. They want to be the ones that deliver the message. They want to be the ones that lead everyone to salvation. They want to be one of the ones that's part of Gods team and will stomp on everyone and anyone who gets in their way. 

They are constantly thinking there are the only right ones. Only the messages they receive are the right messages and they listen and follow anyone who agrees with the nonsense they think "God Told Them" when it's just trickster spirits. 

These tricker spirits have told all of these people the same thing, That they are the "Chosen One and are all Royalty of God," and since these people all have a high Ego they are all believing All of the nonsense being spread that you are "vessels" you are not. 

Those are YOUR bodies. Your "other consciousness or higher self" is not real. Your consciousness lives inside you. You are YOU. This is one the ways the tricker spirits have been using to speak to you. They twist everything so that it sounds so godly, holy, and magical. 

These trickster entities need bodies and know if they can fool you they can hop in your "chosen ones" because of their beliefs and people welcome them in because of their lies and tricks. 

There is a "Real" God and a "Fake" God out there and it's time for people to become aware there is an Entity out there using the name of "GOD." People have called upon this trickster "God" & spirits cause they want to hear from God so they say they are God and they cannot tell the difference because people think because you can hear them you are hearing "GOD," you are not.

You must recognize your thoughts from trickster thoughts. Learn how to separate them. God speaks to everyone in their own way and by their knowledge and to their own understanding, God does not go around telling people business (sort of say) to psychics, oracles, Ministers, Prophets or Pastors so they can help fix you. God can do that for you with his Angelic Team. 

These Spiritual and Religious people want to be the ones who lead everyone to victory and give everyone the messages are the most blinded. God only appoints ONE real messenger for the masses. These people are people that are searching for Answers and trying to understand themselves and Spiritualist and Religionists are taking advantage of that. They are chasing 'Power' aka "Activations." 

Once you understand the Power lies within, You don't need to go around trying to "activate" yourself. This ritual comes from Ancient Witchcraft. Ancient Witches who went around stealing what they thought was "power" from people. 

Spiritualist and Religion have just been blinded to not see it trying to obtain "Gifts From God." 

(Going Off Topic For A Minute Cause It Must Be Said)

Trust, there is no real Magic and Power behind Tarot or Oracle Cards. People who are making Tarot & Oracle Cards are talking to entities claiming to be 'Angels 'God' & 'Star-beings.' 

This is just like paying a game of Poker, sometimes you might get lucky and when people buy a deck that has only "star seeds" in them of course everyone is going to be a star seed. Tarot Cards are specifically designed to mentioned every issues that goes on in a persons life. Any card will work for anyone. 

* Note Some of these are not bad people they just have been mislead. Some are very good Life Coaches. And when we mean some, we're talking about very little. They just need to see they need to release the need to have power and realize the Power they already do have. 

An Oracle or Tarot Card reader who has been doing it for years thinks and believes the card they pull for that individual, every card is. Any card can be for anyone and they know how to describe the cards to align to your life problems that's why they ask questions to help pinpoint where your problems are. You can do this yourself. 

These people are just a different type of Card Poker Players that are playing a different game. 

When we say the power lies with in you we mean YOU and the answer you have been searching for, take that how to resonates cause it's different for everyone. 

The messages have just been twisted and rearranged for so long to throw people WAAAAY off course and it was working. We're not saying do not seek from eachother. You can but do it the right way, Naturally. Learn to talk to one another and not judge. Learn how to let people be themselves and not judge. When you all start allowing eachother to be who they really are the world will start to open up to Love in ways you have never seen before and the world will start to fix itself Naturally. 

Learn how to listen to yourself and to your own voice. It's okay to trust in God, but what God wants you to learn is how to trust and believe in yourself also. Do what you believe is right. Trust that the right Messages will get spread by the everyone Naturally. 

So never let anyone tell you that you aren't doing enough, or you need to do the work, or let them tell you that you'r doing nothing at all. If your reading this it means you already are making a difference because when you flow with the rhythm of life & be Authentie you are always doing everything just right.

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️January 2025 Ancient of Days Princess Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

The Real Healers Of The World

There are two types of Healers on this planet 

Healers #1 The Emotional Healers. 

Artistic Expression: This means you have an ability to go around and help heal that inner spot in people that they haven't experienced or that's brings pure joy and relaxation. 

This is done by Artistic Expression, healing the Spirits and the inner child in everyone. This is you doing your aka "Shadow Work." Not going in trying to find every dark hidden spot within yourself. All of this is done Naturally if you let it and release control.

It's done by singing and experiencing a new type of song no one never heard before, writing or reading poems that really moved people, you can free yourself by participating in Dance that helps free up pent up emotions, Getting A New Hair Design that uplifts your Depression and helps you with your personal expression, and this list for these types of Artistic Expression goes on. 

Your Superpower is Artistic Expression and is gifting it to whoever is called to your Artistic expressions to get the Healing they need from that which often lead to a powerful sense of catharsis- a release of pent-up emotions, stress, and trauma. 

This release is therapeutic in its own right as it allows individuals to unburden themselves from the weight of negative emotions. It means you can heal others in ways that has nothing to do with being psychie or Reiki Healer or Reality' healer. 

A lot of you are being keep from your Artistic Expression because you are getting incorrect information that you can heal by using your mind and the power that lies within, That is correct but it is being mistranslated and misunderstood. You do use your mind but not in that way. You aren't stuck in some Matrix system that you need to heal yourself so much or you get so powerful that you break free (more lies). It means you have an Artistic talented Ability that helps bring out something that was missing in others. That something can be happiness, joy, childhood dreams made true, gratitude, hope, serenity, and any of those "feel good and freeing emotions. 

Healers #2 Are Rebels. 

Politicans, Speakers, Voices, Activists, Government Officials, and the list goes on. This doesn't mean you are going around trying to fix someone's Chakra because this is not going to fix the underlying issue, the problem is not going to magically disappear, it's still going to exist. The lower energies have you all focused on starseeds, spiritual awakenings, upgrades and power. People are so worried about what "Powers" they posses and how much they can 'Upgrade' or "Activate" themselves in order to "Shift Into A New Reality or Make a New Reality" that you are all missing the beauty of living and the BASICS. 

They have all of you spiritualist looking left' while they are going right having you think you can fix everything with the power of your mind while they silently take over. 

All of the REAL Healing that Spiritualist, Pastors, Religionest, and aka"Healers" are trying to do on this planet is done by God and his team. Not by Pastors, Not by Readers, Not by Psychics, Not by Prophets, Not by any Religious or Spiritual Leader. God's frequency is so unmatched that God Team work where there no frequency at all. Weaving in and out of Reality. Making little changes throughout the past so that everything Aligns perfectly into the present and everything happens Naturally. 

Humanity goal is to focus on working within and fixing yourself. Fixing your mind-frame will help fix the problems in your society. Your mind is the greatest battle that's going on right now cause if they can change your mind you can affect others and so on and so on. Everyone should be Rising up against wrong laws and wrong political systems. That is the way YOU HEAL, And that is the way You Heal the Planet. 

You need to learn how to bring out your rebel side and show your governments you will not be quiet. You will to not let racial laws be passed. Going around trying to fix someone's Chakra is not going to fix the underlying issue, it's still going to exist. Let's start learning to work with our Mind the right way cause together we can all move mountains. 

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️January 2025 Ancient of Days Princess Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

Taking God's Name in Vain w/Religious & Spiritual Abuse

✨WARNING! THIS ARTICLE MAY BE EXTREMELY TRIGGERING TO SOME. We ask that you please read with an "open mind" and different "perspective"✨

One main thing God would like for everyone to know is that healing comes from within not from without. You do not need to go to any one claiming to be a "Healer," "Psychic," "Preacher" and so on because everyone can heal themselves in their own way if you just look inward. Meaning if you look deep into your life to start identifying what are the problems, you can start fixing the problem.

Right now there are many what some can 'lower energies' going around trying to "work wonders and miracles" in order to get you on their side and using the name of God. These lower energies are making things look like they performing miracles in the Name of God and like God is "working through them" but they are not, only Tricker spirits. It's the same with Mediums. They are not talking to the dead but tricker spirits who are familiar with your departed ones.

They are whispering into the ears of Pastors, Prophets, Ministers, Readers, Oracles, Pope, all Religions & Spirituality, are all using the name of God the same way but just in different forms. 90% of these people are on a serious Ego Power trip or know they are full of BS and just doing it for the money. God does not want to be categorized into such filth.

God does not need nor want someone to claim things in his name because once again if you can learn to look within you don't need to find Healing and Truth in others. The lower Energies have taken on so many different forms callling it Preaching, Teaching, Anointings etc but they are all saying the same Message but 'differently.'

For example: Reiki Healing from Spirituality is just a laying of the hands in Religion. Reiki is Gods ways of Healing Humanity. Meditation in Spiritually is just another form of Prayer, Using Crystals To Heal and Protect in Spirituality is just another form of Using the Bible Words to heal and protect. Crystals are absolutely beautiful but they don't heal you or protect you from evil energy because you are not crystal beings.

It's a constant repeating cycle and it's time to WAKE UP and get out of it. There are so many Spiritualist and Religious Leaders claiming God gave them abilities, saying things like only through them can you get 'healed' 'answer questions' or see 'where your from' because they were able to open up power within themselves. I hate to be the one to tell you this but you are all from Earth.

If someone was truly given power from God they will healing the sick in MASSES and EVERYONE will know their name. God does not keep his people hidden.

God Angelic Army is starting to take action to all those who are claiming "He will Bless Someone." They cannot stand to hear or stand by as people say that "God Will Bless Them" because they did a good deed because God knows the true meaning of why they did that good dead. People are making themselves the judge and giving "False Blessings" in order to make someone else feel good and because they believe they should receive a "Blessing" because of what they've done.

God's Angelic army is also getting on those who constantly keep on going around saying "God Has A Plan for Your Life." This phase has been misinterpreted becaus God wants to see everyone's individual plan. He wants to see what you can create out of your life. He wants to see how much YOU plan for your own life. God wants to see if you can pull yourself out of the Mud. If God went around fixing every constant mistake people got themselves into people will never Grow and they will never learn. They will only Learn how to keep calling for help to get out of every problem and every situation.

God wants everyone to just start being aware of what they speak and know how serious these accusations are. People have not realized that God expects them to Grow on their own, Handle issues on their own. Plan their own Life. People do not give themselves credit for what they are doing. Every good things that happens in their life they automatically say "God Made It Possible" when it's No, "YOU made it Possible & YOU Did that all by Yourself" so Congratulate yourself cause you believed in your own possible. Be Proud of Yourself.

God handles the BIGGER PROBLEMS, the underlining issues in a planet's civilization. God does not interfere with anyone's Growth no matter how bad it may seem. When God comes in, God handles the things other eyes cannot see, the things you cannot fight, freeing people from the Bondage and Slavery from the unseen influence they have been under.

Once that is done, it will be up to Humanity to save itself or not. God does not hide his Angelics and they will always come with a Mighty Force that is unmistakable.

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️ January 2025 by Ancient of Days Princess Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

The Truth About Spirituality & Religion

✨WARNING! THIS ARTICLE MAY BE EXTREMELY TRIGGERING! We ask that you please read from an "open mind" and different "perspective."

Contrary to Popular beliefs amongst the "Spiritual" community touching one another, interacting with one another, and being in another person's personal space does not "Upgrade" or "Activate" yourself and you cannot download information to eachother through frequeney.

This is Spiritual Bypassing. Many people are only interacting with one another because they think they will "activate" themselves and this must stop cause this is FAR FROM THE TRUTH. You are now befriending people just to use them for what you think they can do for you.

Many are only interacting with one another on the hopes they will receive downloads, activations or light codes. "Light Codes or Light Activations" can only be used by an Angel, and an WILL NOT give you light code because light codes are only for each individual Angel.

Light Language is also not something that comes out of your mouth. It is a secret language of the Gods and you are not that. It not spoken, not thought about, and certainly not telepathic communication, Light Language one is the languages of God.

Also, there are no numerical sequence you can chant or say that will give you an instant "download" or "activation." These are serious lies and false teachings that are now going around, being taught by other Spiritualists who also heard it from somewhere else and is circulating.

Many spiritual teachings are false and they have many teachings that are being misinterpreted just like the bible. Many spiritualist are mistaking things that are for God for themselves. They claim they can do things that only God can do but are calling it different names such as Reiki Healing and removing false head implantations that do not exist.

They are believing they can do things God can do all because they are hearing wrong and trickster beings are giving them backwards information. In reality there is no difference between the false teachings of Religion and the false teachings of Spirituality, it just took another Form.

In the next few months the false teachings of all those who claim to be of God ex: Spiritual Teachers, New Earth Leaders, Spiritual Guides, Pastors, Ministers, Oracles, Seers, Readers, Prophets, Prophetess will start to reveal how much they are not.

There are no Chosen ones of God for God already has her own everything. Many are saying they are "Chosen" because they want to be leaders, are on a power trip, want to get into the kingdom of God, and think they can fool people into thinking they are "Chosen by shouting and announcing it." Anyone who is going around claiming they are "Chosen" are full of Ego and they have been chosen to fulfill a darker purpose they don't not understand. One of the ways they are doing this is by passing around misinformation to keep you from seeing the truth because what they say sounds so compelling you think "it must be true" right. A "Chosen One" mean they have been choosen "differently."

Everyone has their own personal Life Path that cannot be taught by another and is suppose to be having their own life Experience uninterrupted nor influenced by the beliefs of others.

God's Angelic Force is starting to dismantle all of these false Teachers who prophesied in her name. Gods Angelic Force is getting ready to dismantle all those who work miracle in her name. Gods Angelic Force is getting ready to tear down all those who do things in her name because Gods Angelic force has grown tired of all the people who just want power, say they have power just to seem powerful, and tired of people saying they "are servants of God" when they are not.

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️January 2025 Ancient of Days Princess Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

The Ego Materialism Mind Frame

✨✨✨WARNING!!!! THIS MAY BE EXTREMELY TRIGGERING! We ask that you read this with an "open mind" and a different "perspective." ✨✨✨

We have come upon a time where the End Goal is Wealth.

Many spiritualists are believing they can cast enough spells to receive money, they can Manifest Enough to receive money, they can call in an abundance to receive money, they can do enough services for God or if they think and believe it exists in their reality then blessings and riches will automatically come their way.

Many are believers that God will give you Mansions in the sky and an abundance just because you have done many good deeds or because you have helped so many people.

I am here to burst your bubble that it doesn't work thai way. God is not your magical genie you can call upon when you have put yourself in a bind by the choices you made, cause your down on your luck or because you don't feel like pushing yourself forward,

This is childlike thinking. Many of you are waiting around for the "plan" God has for your life when God is waiting to see your plan.

Many are blinded by the "Blessings" you think God will give you from the outcomes of all the good deeds you do. Many are believers that your birthright is an abundance of wealth just because you serve and believe in God.

This is Ego Materialism, God looks at your constant thoughts, your constant feelings, your REAL beliefs and monitors them all to see how often does it all align.

Many of you are always calling God for help but God wants you to help yourself, to learn for yourself, to try for yourself, to get through problems for yourself, as well as receive help from those around you.

God cannot be tricked, cannot be fooled cannot be bought and he certainly doesn't exchange praises to elevate you in life.

Copyright©️January 2025 By Omni Princess-Goddess

When An Angel Comes Knocking At Your Door

✨✨✨ WARNING!!! READING THIS ARTICLE MAY TRIGGER YOU AND YOUR EGO! We ask that your please read with an open mind and different perspective ✨✨✨

All about Divine Intervention

Written Art By Omni Princess-Goddess

Angels do not walk the earth because they do not exist in the way you think they do. However, in the life or death cases, they can merge telepathically with someone but they can only do this if a person wants and believes in them because of free will. In extreme cases, an Angel will appear out of nowhere disguised as a Human. This is called Divine Intervention.

If an angel ever needs to do Divine Intervention just know they are there at that moment in time and to help you Guide you through a seriously life altering choice.

This is because you have arrived are at a crossroads and have came upon a similar choice as this and failed.

You are now once again about to go though a serious life altering decision. These decisions always seem so simple and may present itself like nothing at all.

This is because you have been going down to many "wrong roads" sort of say and God wanted to know if your heart truly aligns with what you've been thinking and doing.

Your next wrong move will throw you into a downward spiral and you will continue to think what you are doing, your beliefs, and your way of living is right.

They are there to help open your eyes to what you haven't been seeing or understanding because of your Ego, outdated beliefs & your poor understanding of what is really going on and how your life really is.

Your life has been drowning in lies and illusions for far too long and they are there to help you get out.

An angel will merge with absolutely anyone who is near in order to help save you. The person do not need to be Divine, Godly, or of the Light because they can handle any frequency or dimension and things you cannot imagine.

However the Merging of the Mind will not last long because Human bodies are very fragile so the Angel will always come in at the very last second.

Angels Fix starting with the problem that starts it all. At the Beginning. Regardless, they only need to say very few words to the people before, to you or make very little change to your environment to change your life forever.

Copyrighted ©️January 2025 by Omni Princess-Goddess

Am I With The Right One?

Written Art By Omni Princess-Goddess

If any part of you feels like your true love is still out there, then you are not happy in your current relationship and have settled.

The Emotional Heart does not lie. It's that empty feeling your having everyday because you know deep down in your heart you have settled.

It's why no matter how much you try in your current relationship, they can't seem to get it and you're still feeling unfulfilled.

It's because you two are not truly comparable and you are trying to force a relationship to work because of your love for them.

You are blinded by the Potential that they can become. You are blinded by the "good" you see them do.

You are blinded by their sweetnesss and soft voice that you have ignored all their warning signs that you two are not destined to be together.

Your trying to hide it everyday, but the longing to have real Love in this lifetime, is uncontrollable because you can still feel that you just took the first person that came along and treated you "like you belonged."

If any part of you feels this way, then it's time to release the false lie/life you have built through your relationship.

This is a major step into living Authentically and freeing yourself from all the lies they have told you.

It's also time to admit to yourself people lie to themselves about them bettering themselves cause they know you want to better yourself so they try to secretly hold you back from your true Potential.

They do this in order to sabotage your life cause they know in the end, they will not be with you. They know they cannot walk side by side with you where you're going in life and they get jealous.

They see you taking off and will do anything to stop you and hold you back calling it "Love."

Ita time to get go of the Narrative you are trying to build around the false person in your life.

It is time to let them go. Time to be free. Time to walk alone for a while so you can learn who you are, what you like, how do you want to live, what do you want to create.

It's time to be free from the chains of a False Relationship from someone who is just trying to keep you.

Copyright ©️ January 2025 by Omni Princess-Goddess

When Your Lover Listens To You

You know your lover is for you, when they listen to you & can hear your cries.

You know your Lover is for you, when they listen to you & can feel how hard you try.

You know your Lover is for you, when they listen to you & you don't have to beg.

You know your Lover is for you, when they listen to you & can feel everything that is said.

You know your Lover is for you, when they listen to you & can understand you completely.

Cause when they listen to you they know it's not all about me."

When they listen to you, you two become one.

Cause when they listen to you they know exactly what to do.

When they listen to you they'll always be one step ahead.

Cause when they listen to you you hear everything that is said.

When Your Lover listens to You

To be continued in The Sacred Omni Princess Encyclopedia. Releasing 2026...

Copyright ©️ January 2025 by Ancient of Days Princess Sacred Omni Princess Goddess

The Sacred Royal Highness is a one of a kind Gemologist and Curator who loves to create Jewelry to represent your Love, A Remembrance Of Your Departed Loved One or Pet, Things you like, Your Personality, Your Children, And anything you can bring or mail to her. She can incorporate anything you like into your Creation such as Shells, Charms, Cremation Ashes, old baby item, she can transform old jewelry from a departed loved one or upgrade any jewelry, pieces of items that mean a lot to you and much more. She will always use top of the line High Fine Jewelry for all of her Designs such as 24k Solid Gold, Dazzling Crystals, Sparkling Emeralds and Brilliant Diamonds for your Personalized Creation. These unique and specialized Designs will help make a Dazzling outwardly Displace of whatever you desire. Before and After Purchase, we will have a Jeweler Specialist Consultation to talk about what Crystals, Diamonds, and thickness of Gold would work best with what you desire. In the end, you'll always have a satisfying one of a kind Majestic Designer Design that's an Outwardly Display of what's closest to your heart.

Prices start at $2,500. E mail us for more details. A video conference session will be booked.

Would you like for The Sacred Ancient to be a Guest at your next event, be a Guest Orator at your next event, or officiate your Marriage or Devotion Ceremony? Your Royal Highness is also an Angelic Bridal Officiant for such events to help you make your special day even more special! Her Family is the Keeper of The Language of Life, Divine Knowledge & Lost Ancient Knowledge, Forbidden Knowledge, & Sacred Teachings. Your Royal Highness speaks on the importance of topics such as self love, letting go, working through trama, healing your heart, trueness of a relationship, sacredness of sex, letting go of limiting beliefs, & so much more! Every topic is a Blessing received.

Prices start at $3,000. E mail us to book video conference so we can discuss more in details. 

The Sacred Ancient is also a very talented Writer who loves to write in her spare time so much she wrote her first book at the age of 15 and called it "Touched." She is a specialist in all forms of writing but Loves doing True Love Stories, Biography & Philosophical Writing, is a Lyricist & does Poetry where she offers customized and heartfelt writing for your special day, song or any occasion. From crafting personalized love stories to composing unique wedding vows and creating enchanting poems or songs, she specializes in creating beautiful and memorable words to celebrate your love. She takes the time to get to know you both, your Love story, & your individual personalities. Let us help you add a touch of magic to your wedding day with our artistic and romantic writing services.

Prices start at $3,500. E mail us to book Video conference. Video call is always booked first. Payment taken on Video Call after agreement has been made and signed.

E-mail me here for All Bookings, Information, & Any Big Purchase